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Last week we took a vote asking which Quintessential dial you'd like to see, and you picked Batman Beyond! Remember, here at HeroClix World, polls actually matter.
The Quintessential Batman Beyond dial represents him after the cartoon series ended -- when he has become an experienced/veteran superhero -- in this dial, he's an elegant fighter designed to be potent for the entire dial. Like the cartoon of the same name, the Quintessential Batman Beyond has Flight with two ranged attacks, and the
of course. He's a tad front loaded with Charge, Incapacitate, and Invulnerability, but as we said -- he's really designed to have lasting power.
Dial by Eric Schaen (continued below...)

Running Shot, Flurry, Precision Strike, and Close Combat Expert help make the Quintessential Batman Beyond a powerful combatant, but Batman is more than just punches and bat-a-rangs. This Batman's got some Perplex and Outwit in the middle/late dial to help him take out his foes.
Of course, his high-tech bat suit helps him with some Super Strength and Shape Change -- to represent his cloaking ability.
For 110 points, the Quintessential Batman Beyond is really a well rounded secondary attacker with some great utility features!