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Here at HeroClix World we're very concerned with the state of the Green Lantern movie starring Ryan Reynolds. The first "I Know, Right" trailer left a really bad taste in our mouths, but the newer trailers have been better. Still, there's just enough camp in the newer ones that makes us think that the movie's going to be a hot mess.
From the really bad GI-Joe-Movie bad Special Effects to the "I pledge allegiance" Oath, things don't look very promising. And don't get us started on the heinous uniforms.
So what if Green Lantern went a whole new direction? What if it was more comic accurate? What if it didn't star Van Wilder Ryan Reynolds? Some clever internet folks answered these very questions with their own Fan Made Green Lantern Trailer!
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Frankly we love this fan made trailer. It's got all the elements that the Ryan Reynolds trailers do not, and they did a pretty good job all around. What's more surprising is that this trailer was uploaded to YouTube in May of 2009, a full two months before Ryan Reynolds was cast in the current movie. We sorely wish the new trailers were as well done as this low budget/mash up fan made trailer!