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Related: Avengers Movie HeroClix Spoilers
The new Thor Heroclix figure is here, and he's free on Free Comic Book Day (2012)!
Thor is Dual stated at 250 points or 150 points, but I think he's totally worth it a the 250 point level, thanks to 4 extra clicks of Charge, Impervious, and Super Strength, not to mention a very high [5] and [4] damage.
The 150 point level isn't anything to scoff at either, with a Running Shot and Pulse Wave combo! And later you cna use the Running Shot and Energy Explosion combo! And don't forget that THOR has the AVENGERS INITIATIVE Team Ability!
I can't say I understand the purpose of Hypersonic Speed at the end, but what the hey. All in all, he's pretty power with a full dial of damage reduction! And it is very Avengers Themed, which is extra goodness. (and yes, it comes in a box)
Get your free Thor figure at your local comic shop on Free COmic Book Day, May 5th 2012. I believe the Avengers movie comes out the same weekend...?
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