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Welcome back to another Top 5 list courtesy of Heroclix World. This time we’ll be taking a look at those ever endearing mutants known as the X-Men.
In just this past year alone, there have been plenty of mutants who became X-Men. With such a massive roster of members, how does one determine the top 5 of the bunch?
To find a X-Man be worthy of the top 5 status, I had set criteria based on the following:
•Their character’s progression (Are they interesting? Have they grown as a character?)
•What their Mutant power brings to the table (Sorry Angel, lots of Mutants can fly.)
•How committed they are to their teammates and the dream Professor Xavier dared to make a reality.
This list is for X-Men, sans New Mutants, Exiles or other mutant teams. Professor Xavier himself won’t be part of this list either or he’d easily grab the number 1 spot. So with that being aid let’ the countdown commence.
#5 Rogue
Real name: Anna Marie
Powers: Absorption of memories, skills, and powers through skin-to-skin contact.
In some ways, Rogue may be the poster child for the Xavier institute. She’s been an X-Man for so long, it’s easy to forget she was once a mutant terrorist. Her time with the X-Men has taught her the value of her powers and how to live with them.
Over the years, she has proven to be valued teammate who can lead when necessary and go toe-to-toe with the likes of Juggernaut or Nimrod. Rogue is a perfect model of what the Xavier School for the gifted is capable of producing.
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