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Clix Beat is a new series of articles that focuses on a single HeroClix figure and some of the great ways to play it on a team. We continue our look at the S.H.I.E.L.D. TEAM PACK with the head of the agency himself, NICK FURY! This HeroClix pack comes with Nick Fury, Shield Enforcer, and Black Widow.
(Click to See Full Dial)
If you haven’t already noticed, NICK FURY’s got a pretty full dial for just 70 points. He’s only got 6 clicks of life, but he’s got standard powers in every Speed, Defense, and Damage position or that entire dial.
The opening 2 clicks of Stealth seems standard for this Avengers Movie version of NICK, with Leadership and Perplex – nothing too surprising there, which is a good thing. His Toughness leads into Willpower, which makes him a tad prone to damage, so be careful if you’re going to put him to the front lines.
He’s only got a range of 6, but he becomes a great utility piece thanks to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Team ability:
S.H.I.E.L.D. Adjacent friendly characters modify their range values by +1. Give this character a power action and choose an adjacent friendly character. The chosen character modifies its damage value by +1 while adjacent to this character and making ranged combat attacks this turn.
Much like the S.H.I.E.L.D. Enforcer, this single Team Ability is a great way to power up any ranged attacker on your force. A Running Shot or Hypersonic Speed character can walk up adjacent to NICK and take advantage of that +1 range immediately. Fortunately NICK FURY also has this awesome trait, which is a great way to boost any other adjacent S.H.I.E.L.D team member:
I’m Here to Talk about the Avengers Initiative: Friendly characters possessing the S.H.I.E.L.D. team ability who begin an action adjacent to Nick Fury can use the Avengers Initiative team ability for that action.
As a reminder, the Avengers Initiative TA is exactly like the Ultimates TA – it allows a character to ignore hindering terrain. That being said, be mindful of NICK FURY’s Special Power as it only works on adjacent characters, and those characters by possess the S.H.I.E.L.D. Team Ability (sorry Wildcards).
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