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Howdy partners, lets saddle up and take a look at the newest DC Battle Pack to hit the open range, Jonah the Hex Battle Pack. Ok I’ll stop talking like that.
This 3 piece battle set is, of course, based on the Jonah Hex film of the same name. The Pack contains 3 new, figures: Jonah Hex, Lilah, and Turnbull! This pack is 100% Heroclix compatible and will be available this August.
All right then lets take a look at the figures in the set and see what they can do. Keeping with a classic western feel I’m going to rate these figures with a ratting system called the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Let’s start the ball with the man himself, Jonah Hex.

Hex here will cost you 65 points to field and is 6 clix deep.
The good: Hex has a sweet special power called Wanted Poster. It basically allows Hex to choose an opposing character at the start of a game, and gain a +2 to his attack values when attacking this figure. This changes Hex opening attack of a 9 to an 11 when going after his mark.
Hex also has an 8 range value combined with the sharpshooter ability. This means Hex’s prey won’t be able to take safety behind opposing figures or hide in hindering terrain. Hex can always find his man.
Hex also starts with the Ranged Combat Expert power. This will allow hex to deal a solid 3 damage in ranged or close combat.
The Bad: Hex does have a clix of Running Shot (RS). The only problem is it is not on his starting click. It is actually placed on his third click! That wouldn’t be so bad if he had more than a single click of RS, but that’s the only one he gets. This means he has a good chance of never seeing it come into play.
The Ugly: Hex starting defense of 15 is going to make him an easy target to hit. Sure Toughness will help him with the damage he takes, but a 15 is still low. But hey he’s only human, well sort of. Oh and his face is ugly too.
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