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It's time for a Bystander Token Party! Today we feature some new custom HeroClix Bystander Tokens for use in your home games.
All Bystanders use the official stats for VAL COOPER (Mutations and Monsters #B001). If you plan on using them in tournaments, please get your judge's permission.
Today we've got Bystander tokens for Dale Cooper (whom might be related to Val), Dana Scully from the X-Files, Peggy Carter from Captain America The First Avenger (still the best of the Avengers movies), Edward from Cowboy Bebop, Orco from He-Man, Snoopy the Flying Ace, Grump Cat (he still hates you), The Overly Attached Girlfriend who will burn your HeroClix, and Chewbacca -- what a Wookie!

To print and play at home, download the master zip file here and print from them! (do not use the images above, since they are sized larger for display purposes!)
What Popular Culture characters would you like to see featured in our next Bystander Party?