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The Kantus is an interesting beast (no pun intended). Introduced in the Gear of War Heroclix set, the Kantus may be one of the most underutilized figures in the game. For 70 points, this common figure packs just 6 clicks of life with an average of just 1 damage.... even dropping down to [0] at the end of the dial. He doesn't have any move-and-attack powers, and his only damage reduction comes in the form of Toughness in the first click of life.
So Kantus kinda sucks, right? WRONG. Anyone who is just looking at the combat capabilities of this figure is completely missing the point.
TEAM ABILITY: LOCUST HORDE: This character can use Phasing/Teleport. When it does, after actions resolve you may knock back one adjacent opposing character 1 square. Uncopyable.
This character has the uncanny ability to be mobile. Three clicks of Leap/Climb is a great start, and if you lose that you can fall back on the Locust Horde Team Ability, which grants a special Phasing/Teleport. Since Kantus' attack values tend to go up (It's never lower than [9]), never be afraid to push him to get him where you want. Mobility is highly important here because the Kantus is a fantastic utility piece.

70 points seems high for a utility piece, but keep in mind that the Kantus has a full dial of Support, 4 clicks of Perplex, and that awesome mobility we've talked about. As if that wasn't enough his high attack power makes him very potent when it comes to healing. Even at his low point, Kantus only needs to roll a "7" to heal a friendly that has a defense value of [16]! And if you want Superman or Iron Man to Carry him around, then more power to 'ya.
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