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Telekinesis is a very powerful HeroClix ability that lets you position characters into attack position (or pull them away from the fight). For this article, we're focused on 3 golden age HeroClix figures that are probably the best TK'ers in the game. Each of these figures brings more than just Telekinesis to your teams, and you should be using them in all your games.
Awesome Clix is a series that discusses Golden Age characters that should be used in today's Modern age games. Seriously, why aren't you using these figures?
We kick things off with the rookie Mandroid Armor. For just a measely 28 points you get that Telekinesis and some Toughness and a range of 6. As an attacker he has horrible attack values, so that Incapacitate is fairly useless. But at 28 points he's a great TK-er! As a bonus, the Mandroid Armor also gets the S.H.I.E.L.D. team ability! So even if he loses his first click of TK, that Team Ability makes him useful for his entire 4 clicks of life! All for 28 points!

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