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There is no doubt that zombies are popular. Sales of the Walking Dead are high (with a tv series starting on Halloween), and even HeroClix got in on the act with it's Marvel Zombie figures.
And with the plethora of Zombie properties out there, the Zombie Apocalypse could be a perfect tie-in to the HeroClix World (see what we did there?)
That being said, there’s a few things that need to be done to make this a hot seller. The first hurdle is scope. Traditionally HeroClix has always been about a small group of figures fighting other small groups. This is in contradiction to a zombie apocalypse, where we have huge waves of zombies always coming at you. Let's start off with Zombies.
DreamClix is a series of articles dedicated to new Clix properties we'd like to see in the future. These new properties should mostly be in their own world, with no crossover / compatibility to HeroClix or other Clix games (we don't want to see Pikachu in our Avengers vs JLA HeroClix matches, thank-you-very-much).
Zombies should be a fairly predictable creature with a standard 3 life, no damage reduction, and a standard [1] damage. Zombies don't have any ranged attacks, and their teeth should only do one damage. Doesn't sound threatening, does it? It will when you're surrounded by eight of them!
Still, we need a way to make the undead a force to be reckoned with. They need to be truly terrifying. I've got a few good solutions.
First, zombies can be given an action each turn and don't require action tokens. Seriously, have you ever seen a zombie stop to take a breather? I don't think so. And then there's that pesky zombie bite.
X: When a zombie deals damage to a human, put a Zombie Bite Token on the human's card. At the end of the human player's turn, roll 2 dice for each Zombie Bite Token on it (roll separately for each Bite Token). On a result of 9 or less, that human takes 1 unavoidable damage.
There you have it! The bite itself may only do one damage, but it has long lasting negative effects! This one simple mechanic adds a level of fear and will keep you on your toes. You never want to be surrounded by zombies and now you know why. Just one bite can and will eventually kill you.
•Critical Hits: When a Zombie scores a critical hit, damage is doubled and an extra Zombie Bite Token is placed on the survivor's card.
Of course, the undead isn't just frightening because they can kill you, the whole concept is frightening because you will eventually become one of them. So we add this easy mechanic:
When a human character is KO'ed, place a Corpse Token in the square that it was KO'ed. At the beginning of the Zombie Player's turn, the Zombie player rolls 2 die for each Corpse Token; on a result of 7+, replace the Corpse Token with the original KO'ed figure and heal a number of clicks equal to 1 + it's total number of Zombie Bite Tokens. That character is now considered a zombie under the control of the zombie player.
So not only will humans come back from the dead, they'll come back with more than 1 click of life! The bites he had, the faster he would have died, and the stronger he'd be! This "new" zombie would certainly be stronger than the others, but that just helps add fear in the game.
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