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11-04-2010 Update: We just got word from the MobileHorror Admins that their website has been fully updated with all Web-Of-Spiderman and DC Brightest Day cards, making their inventory 100% complete!
A while back we were introduced to MobileHorror, a website which specializes in cards and rules for HeroClix. This isn't a fan site with blogs and trolls -- nope, this is a website that does one thing: scans official HeroClix documents for you to download and print. They are the one-stop shop for all things Print & Play.
•Lost a character card for your precious Spider-Man? MobileHorror.com has it.
•Want to legally print the Alfred Pennyworth bystander token? MobileHorror.com has it.
•Lost your Dark Phoenix Colossal rulebook? MobileHorror.com has it.
And these aren't modified documents -- these are original documents that came from Wizkids themselves and/or personally scanned by the MobileHorror.com gurus themselves (ie Character Cards). In fact, many of the items were downloaded directly from the old Topps/WizKids website before it was taken down. Content, like the new Alternate Team Abilities, are taken directly from the WizKids site and resized to fit into Print & Play formats.
I get emails weekly from people looking for various cards and print-and-play products, and I always send them to MobileHorror.com. As a repository for HeroClix documents, they're the king. No ranting editorials. No begging for money. No whiny forum posts. It's a pure site of just HeroClix documents and cards.
We love it, and so will you. Check out MobileHorror.com now!
Note: HeroClix World is unaffiliated with MobileHorror.com. We just think it's a cool website!