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Magneto's experiences surviving Nazi Germany, Auschwitz, and Vinnytsia would shape his outlook on the situation that mutants face in the Marvel Universe. Determined to keep such atrocities from ever being committed against mutants, he is willing to use deadly force to protect mutants. He would believe that mutants ("Homo superior") will become the dominant life form on the planet and would set about either creating a homeland on Earth where mutants could live peacefully, or conquering and enslaving humanity in the name of Mutantkind.
Keywords: Acolytes, Brotherhood of Mutants, Hellfire Club, Ruler
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Combat Values: Magneto’s Combat values are right about where they should be for one who is known as the savior of Mutantkind. His movement is not terribly impressive, but it is consistent throughout his entire dial. His attack values start great at 11 and slowly decline to a still decent 9 attack. He’s got a solid starting defense value of 18 that slowly drops to no less than 16. His damage starts at a fierce 4 and eventually drops to 2. Add to all of this a 10 range and 2 targeting bolts to boot.
Powers and Abilities: Magneto supplements his awesome combat values with a nice mix powers. Starting with the always useful Running Shot power, giving Magneto mobility, and the potential to get in the first strike. Leadership is present showing off his ability to command others. Mid dial Erik picks up Ranged Combat Expert. While Pulse Wave and Perplex are show up late on his dial. But what makes Magneto truly awesome can be found in his special powers the first of which is MAGNETIC MASTERY -- Magneto can do all tricks that other TK’ers can do, but when it comes to flings objects, Magneto’s the alpha TK’er on the battlefield.
Next up is MAGNETIC SHIELD. It states: "Magneto can use Toughness. Characters halve their range values when Magneto is one of the targets of their attack." So not only can he reduce some damage, this power forces you to get in close if you want to attack him with a ranged attack.
Magnetos final special power is MAGNETIC FIELD -- In addition to being hard to attack from a far, this power makes it that much harder to get the first ranged attack on this “Master of Magnetism.” Being able to carry 4 others with him is also going to make dealing with him a tough task. Oh and if he happens to land in some debris, taking him down just became that much harder. (I think I know what my opening action with him is going to be.)
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