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The Quintessential series returns with an old favorite of ours -- Sue Storm! This modern age take on Invisible Woman (red costume) is a little more Unorthodox than what Wizkids has given us in the past, but we're sure you'll like it.
The Quintessential series discusses just one character and presents, what we feel, is the ideal HeroClix dial.
The Quintessential Invisible Woman dial starts off with some basic powers that you would expect: Flight, Energy Shield/Deflection, and the
Team Ability, of course. But once you get a little deeper, you'll see things are a little different with this FF member. Rather than Stealth, we've given her a form of Shape Change and something better than Stealth if she has no action tokens!
Dial by Eric Schaen (continued below)

The Quintessential Invisible Woman also has some early Invulnerability with Energy Shield/Deflection that can bring her defense up to 19! Best of all, that special power gives her the ability to share that protection with her nearby allies!
On the offensive side the The Quintessential Invisible Woman's got some Ranged Combat Expert, Telekinesis, and a special form of Quake (as a free action) that can hit multiple characters!
Along with her other special/standard powers, what The Quintessential Invisible Woman gives you is a great figure that works as an attack piece or utility piece, with great defensive abilities too. The Quintessential Invisible Woman is really the whole package.
Make it happen Wizkids!