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The Le (10/25/2013)
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Related: Pryde of the X-Men
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Goto Comments

HeroClix Ex-MenThis new video is pretty darned cool called the EX-MEN. It asks the question, why would Professor X fire Wolverine? Here at HeroClix World we've always believed that Wolverine is the most overrated mutant... ever. He's one dimensional and uninteresting. I think this video hits it right on the nail.

Seriously, Wolverine's not that cool and we hope his "fad" dies sooner than later.

Be advised this video is rated PG.

From wikipedia: Professor Charles Francis Xavier (also known as Professor X) is a fictional character, a superhero that appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics. He is known as the leader and founder of the X-Men.

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Your Comments:
Cyclops killed the wrong x-man.

Posted by: HeroixHater on 2/17/2014 12:24:45 PM
Agreed completely, Wolverine is the most annoying Superhero ever invented. Cheesy lines, abrasive, a terrible team-mate always wandering off to do his own thing, and trying to steal his team-mates women, then stabbing them when he flips out like a spoiled child after not getting his way. And to whoever compared him to Captain America are you kidding? A super soldier icon who inspires everyone and is the greatest tactical mind in the universe leading a team, compared to an unreliable loner whose only real contributions are combat abilities that pale in comparison to Cap's? Cap has saved the world hundreds of times from Red Skull, Hydra, and even bigger baddies. Wolverine spends most of his time wrestling with sabertooth, wandering around in canada, etc. It's only when he's crammed into teams he has no business on (Avengers, Newer Fantastic Four) that he contributes something, and only then to sell comics.

Posted by: Joe on 12/12/2013 11:45:13 AM
Mm, the smell of troll-bait in the morning...

But no, I honestly think they did these videos purely to f**k* with the fandom. Are there cooler x-men characters than Wolverine ? Hel yes. But is he useless ? Hardly. He's really one of the only early x-men that maintain their relevance outside of Storm and Beast (by early obviously not meaning the original x-men, of which him nor Storm were part of). Basically, put wolverine where the bad guy is (fastball special anyone?) and you've basically got the battle half-won already. Admittedly, he's done his best work while not part on a team, so firing him wouldn't be so bad.

Posted by: WindsofWatoomb on 11/14/2013 8:43:21 AM
Today I learned by reading the comments that some Wolverine fans cannot take a joke. Talk about nerd rage.

Posted by: Innuendo on 11/5/2013 1:30:11 PM
somebody can tell us what is the true reality !!?
hilariuos or ridiculous?

Posted by: DSK French touch! on 11/4/2013 1:50:14 PM
You can still love Wolverine while appriciating the reality that he is really, truly, lame. And that was hilarious. You know because its true.

Posted by: Apov1 on 11/3/2013 1:14:40 PM
I really appreciate the Heroxlixworld website and all of the immense content you make available to us. You usually get previews and news before anybody else does, the retro and neon format keeps each page interesting. The writing and newsfeed is done brilliantly. Having said that....I cant understand the unprofessionism you have displayed with this topic/video. You already know wolverine is a very popular character, calling him a phad and expressing a negative/bias view is just bad business. You are steering away ALOT of potential visitors. A website of this calibre should be neutral when it comes to this type of thing. Im very disappointed.....also considering wolverine has retained his popularity for over three generations disqualifies him as a possible "fad" He has been around for a loooooong time. Calling a cultural icon a fad makes you look quite uninformed.

Posted by: Department H on 11/3/2013 8:32:18 AM
Wolverine in my opinion is a bit overrated (note i do also agree with Lance) he's not just an angry super weapon brainless killer he has a softer side like his father like relationship with Jubilee and other younger mutant characters. SpiderMan is also over rated but both characters are also extremely popular and do sell comics and make money which ultimately is Marvels goal - to make money. I do agree that BOTH Wolverine and Spiderman are completely over used and appear to be everywhere all the time. It would be nice to give them a rest for a year but they would never do this especially for the amazing..oh sorry superior spiderman

Posted by: Coptur on 11/1/2013 5:27:50 AM
Hahahaha, that video was spot on, I also can't wait for the Wolverine fad to die.

Posted by: James on 10/31/2013 4:15:28 PM
@lance couldn't of said it better myself. Wolverine has proven to be one of the best characters in comic history. He has been able to take on some of the best and has won some and lost some. Only problem i see isn't him ita that the ppl in marvel wanna throw him into every team out there. Give the runt a break. =)

Posted by: pandab0mb on 10/29/2013 9:33:23 PM
I can see how one would come to this conclusion if wolverine were written as a joke character. But, he has always been given an appropriate amount of creative attention. He's been takken to the limits of what readers can believe, but nothing much more

Posted by: bgreyloc on 10/28/2013 12:12:51 PM
" Here at HeroClix World we've always believed that Wolverine is the most overrated mutant... ever. He's one dimensional and uninteresting. I think this video hits it right on the nail."
maybe you don't know this character well! @lance is right!
here at "comicreaders for a long time ago" we could believe that you're doing the wrong job! or It's just a lack of knowledge!

Posted by: Dick again on 10/27/2013 4:08:33 AM
so Wolverine is overrated !? what about the most RIDICULOUS avenger called Cpt America ?????? a real useless ONE ! tell me

Posted by: Dick Rivers on 10/27/2013 3:18:18 AM
lol im just glad it is Sandman and not an Edward Scissor hands avatar.

Posted by: Ajora on 10/26/2013 11:30:27 AM
@Ajora: OH! I thought you mean Morpheus from the Matrix movies. lol

Posted by: The Le on 10/26/2013 10:41:06 AM
@the Le- I thought sandmands name was Morpheus?that is sand man correct?

Posted by: Ajora on 10/26/2013 10:21:12 AM
@Ajora Morpheus? Huh.. that's an interesting idea. I suppose I could add a line of sci-fi themed avatars for the comments section. Would be nice to post a comment as Spock. Hmmmm...

Posted by: The Le on 10/26/2013 6:58:46 AM
@Viking19- so because I picked scott as my avatar you assume that's why I dislike wolverine. truth be told I didn't see morpheous available that's why I picked scott. wolverine is overrated and its time to make better comics without him. the stories are insulting to the average readers intelligence. much like kid omega said "do you remember when wolverine was cool? yeah neither do I."

Posted by: Ajora on 10/25/2013 9:23:49 PM
Finally someone said it! Wolverine is so overrated, I have said it for years. Not that he isn't cool in his own way, just very overrated. I love it, keep it up Heroclix World love the site.

Posted by: Arvinak on 10/25/2013 3:26:26 PM
@Lance LOL. Well played sir... well played...

Posted by: The Le on 10/25/2013 1:46:45 PM
Here at heroclixworld you guys complain about heroclix way too much! Try to just appreciate and enjoy the game. As for Wolverine he is one of the most interesting mutants out there because he is hundreds of years old, his body can be turned to a vapor and he would regenerate back to his whole self the next day, he is a master of martial arts, hard on the outside but soft on the inside. Virtually immortal, a smaller guy but takes down the big guys. Has metal claws that can cut through virtually anything. Rambo was a bad a** and Wolverine is the Rambo of Marvel comics period!

Posted by: Lance on 10/25/2013 1:26:12 PM
Figures. A Cyclops avatar. Hater.

Posted by: Viking19 on 10/25/2013 1:11:10 PM
sweet merciful god that was hilarious. hopefully one day soon people will realize how useless he really is. that is unless bullet sponge becomes an occupation. so many other good characters put to the wayside because marvel wants to shove this pair of clown shoes down our throat. bravo heroclix world bravo!

Posted by: Ajora on 10/25/2013 12:35:35 PM
Can't believe you don't like Wolverine. Makes me kind of not want to visit your site anymore.......just kidding I love the site. I love Wolverine too, so ease up a little on the negativity. Please.

Posted by: Viking19 on 10/25/2013 11:35:23 AM