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After last weeks's successful party, the Bystanders have returned asking for another! Today we feature 24 new printable Bystander Tokens based on Colleen Wing! Oh, and this time, they brought a friend...
All Bystanders use the official stats for COLLEEN WING (Fantastic Forces #B005). If you plan on using them in tournaments, please get your judge's permission. As a bonus, we've included a set of LIAN HARPER tokens on page 3!
The Page 1 Bystander Party features some of my favorites - Blade (movie), Bob Barker (who beat the crap out of Happy Gilmore), the tree god Bob Ross, Cloud, Deadpool, Grendel, Groo, Han, IP Man, This is Sparta Leonidas, Link, Mace Windu, the venerable Mister Miyagi, and Usagi Yojimbo! (download link below)

All 26 "Colleen Wing" Bystander tokens (from pages 1 and 2) can be downloaded and printed right here! (do not use images above; they will print too large). Also check out page 3 for bonus print and play tokens!
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