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16. Buffy (HorrorClix)
Since I'm on a HorrorClix kick, let's not forget Buffy, which really helped give women a voice in action movies (along with Xena). Men loved her, and women wanted to be her. There's plenty of interesting characters to go around, and you can even throw in a brand new Feat:
"Buffy Power (5 points). Choose a character named Buffy. Through the entire game she has to wine about stupid things and bring everyone down."
We can probably do without Xander too -- he was so freakin useless by the end of the series. Sure he lost his eye, but it would have been more interesting if he lost his head.
Oh, and please include a door size poster of FAITH with every boxed set, thanks.
15. Batman Beyond
We saw a Batman Beyond sneak into the DC Arkham Asylum, but I want more. There were only 52 episodes of this incredible series, but there were a great many characters available from it including the Jokers, Ink, the new Commissioner Gordon, old man Bruce Wayne, and the awesome future Justice League Unlimited. Heck, maybe the future JLU needs a boxed set of their own?
Think about that -- we'd get the awesome silver haired Superman, the daughter of Jon Stewart + Hawk Girl, and the kid Green Lantern (which was hella cool).
14. Image
Image is a bit weak on this list since they're really the poster child for how not to run a comic book business, but they're still many characters that would benefit the HeroClix universe. Spawn is probably on the top of the list due to sheer popularity (even though he's really the lamest character in the Image catalog).
Beyond that I think we could benefit from the Savage Dragon, Grifter, and my all-time favorite: Stormwatch. Heck, screw the Image set and just give me a Stormwatch set! I want Weatherman One!
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