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The DC Police Team Ability is one of the more underrated abilities in my experience, and its too bad too -- it's really an extremely powerful ability. I'd love to see a set of 3 police officers in this pack, if only for the younger players out there. Like the previously mentioned S.H.I.E.L.D. pack, we'd be fine with the same sculpt for all three Police figures (different paints please), and we'd also like them have the Battlefield Promotion ability. There's a lot to love with this pack since it will appeal to young'ns and older customers who play HeroClix with their children. When my son is old enough to play, I'd love to play a game of a dozen DC Police officers v.s. The Hulk (or perhaps a crazed Spider-Man)... a special DC Police Battle Pack can help that dream come true!
4. Thugs, Criminals, and Hooligans?
How can you have a team of DC Police without a team of criminals? There's been a few generic thugs in the past, but nothing of note more recently. A team of thugs or biker-hooligans would be great -- I'd love to play HeroClix Cops'n'Robbers with my son someday. Heck, if you want to make it more international, give me a pack of 3 Soccer Holigans! Don't tell me you've never want to pick a fight with one of them! If you think Soccer Holligans are tame then take a look at this rather realistic movie clip:
(warning, there is one vulgar word used in this video clip)
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