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• Goto Comments
#10 Official Forums
It's puzzling why Wizkids doesn't have an official forum of their own. The old Wizkids had this, and it was a great way to communicate with fans. It's never a good idea to depend solely on a third party for this type of interaction, if only because Wizkids has has zero control over the third party -- all you need is a couple bad trolls or a spam problems to ruin it for everyone.
All the big companies have their own forums -- even video game companies run their own forums for their games. The fact is that there is a large population that will only go to an official site to get their news and information, and Wizkids is letting an important opportunity slip by. Heck, if a tiny game like Space Pirates and Zombies can have it's own official forum, then surely HeroClix can too. Please Wizkids, bring back your official forums, we all miss it.
#11 Less Steve Jobs Worship
Sure the man is dead, but that hasn't stopped the raving masses from trying to turn Steve Jobs into a Saint. He was a great innovator, sure, but he wasnt' a god. He wasn't even a nice person. Seriously, think about this desription for a moment: "He's powerful. He's controlling. He'll take out anyone in his way. And he won't stop until he brings order to the universe."
Who am I describing? Darth Vader or Steve Jobs?
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