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02-27-2013: It's Trigon, and he's a Colossal! Let's take a look at this new Teen Titans HeroClix dial and it's cards...

That's a whole 'lotta Damage Reduction (Impervious, Invulnerability, Toughness)

From wikipedia:
"A sadistic, cruel and powerful demon of interdimensional origin, Trigon is a result of the mating between a female member of a mystic sect and the god they worshiped. A side effect of this pairing is that their child was filled with the cast-off evil energies of the inhabitants of Azarath, forming him into their personification. At birth, Trigon killed everyone around him (including his own mother). At the age of six, he destroyed an entire planet. And by the age of thirty, he held dominion over millions of worlds in his dimension."
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