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• Goto Comments
While Green Arrow doesn't have any defensive powers, that one click of Stealth will go a long ways. Just carry Green Arrow to a rooftop and plop him down on hindering terrain and you'll have a powerful sniper that can either deal 3 damage with Ranged Combat Expert or ruin the day of two opponents with a double Incapacitate attack.
In Golden Age games, you can even stick Stunning Blow and/or Armor Piercing on him (and we're also big fans of Spotter). If you don't have any high ground to put Green Arrow on, just leave him on the ground floor and give him Trick Shot.

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You're not going to want to push him out of his first click of Stealth and [11] attack value, but don't worry if you do -- Green Arrow has lasting power thanks to 3 total clicks of Incapacitate and 4 clicks of Ranged Combat Expert. Oh, and don't discount Leap/Climb since it gives Green Arrow an excellent way to run away (remember, Green Arrow is built for ranged combat, not close combat).
There's really not much more to talk about. Green Arrow's dial is simple, straight forward, and a real beast in 300 point games (or more). He doesn't need special powers, traits, or even feats to keep the Hulk or Superman at bay -- and that's worth it's weight in gold!
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