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• Goto Comments
Thanos has an extremely high attack value – seriously, there's literally a handful of characters who have an Attack Value of 15 or higher (and most of them are the big ones)… but the lack of any real attack/damage powers and a very weak damage value makes Thanos terrible on offense. This is easily fixed with Armor Piercing. For just 10 points Thanos can now deal 1 damage to anyone. Doesn’t sound like much, but with a 10 range 
and super high attack value – you’re going to take ANYONE off of their starting click (which is often the most powerful one).
Continued below....

If you really want a little more oomph, then Haymaker isn’t a bad option either. It penalizes you -1 to your attack value, but who cares? Thanos starts at [13]! That one extra damage could totally be worth it in a tough fight.
Still, that [2] damage for the last 5 clicks of life is a real downer.

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