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• Goto Comments
02-04-2015: It's Batman and Catwoman!

Now let's compare him to the JL STRATEGY version, also at 150 points...


Call me crazy, but I like the Catwoman from the BATMAN HEROCLIX set too:

01-14-2015: It's SHAZAM! He sports Charge, Super Strength, Quake, and more!

It's Freddy Freeman! HE comes with Hypersonic Speed, Exploit Weakness, and more!

12/31/2014: It's SUPERMAN!
He comes with Hypersonic Speed, Running Shot, Impervious, and more!

From wiki: "Trinity War" is an eleven issue comic book story arc first published by DC Comics in 2013 featuring the fictional superhero teams the Justice League, Justice League of America, and Justice League Dark. The arc spans several titles including: Justice League, Justice League of America, Justice League Dark, Constantine, Trinity of Sin: Pandora and Trinity of Sin: The Phantom Stranger.
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