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• Goto Comments
The Le: What kind of equipment do you use to mod?
Casey: I use a ton of different thing's..... A dremel is a must if your trying to remove a ton of material, A nice exacto set. I have been using clay shaper's for awhile now with a ton of success really helps with smoothing out green stuff and putting fine details on.Size 0 when modding heroclix the smaller the better.
I use diamond tipped files mini and regular..don't worry they aren't expensive, although the mini files can be hard to find.
Dental tools which are good for making walls and rocks as well as putting details on.
I use allot of pen's both ink and color. Pens are really good for cleaning up a piece by going over splatter spots from your brush or fixing little thing's or outlining.I have a Jelly Roll white pen that draws only in white ink which has been worth it's weight in gold great for eye's mouths,teeth and all pens come in different tip size from .005 on up for example .005 can put down a line as thin as an eye lash or human hair.
Cork's....or wine bottle corks artificial and natural.....artificial is smooth and can be used to smooth green stuff with a touch of water, natural can be used to hold your custom while you paint it with a bit of artists tack or poster tack will work.
A pair of snipers or small needle nose pliers,magnifying glass or lamp,Brushes and I use whatever I can find in a small point. Usually I wait until the local craft place puts all the brushes on sale then buy all the fine tipped ones in bulk. Comic Book sleeves make great mixing pallets. I also take advantage of free stuff like toothpicks, coffee stirs,napkins that type of stuff. If you've ever been to a fast food place and there was only like 5 toothpick's left it's probably because I was just there and was low on paint
Casey kempter is a freelance artist available for commissions. He can be contacted at You can also see more of his custom HeroClix on his Facebook Page.
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