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Related: DreamClix: Zombie Apocalypse
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As for the combat system, I don't think it needs to be all that different from the current HeroClix game. The basic rules, powers, and actions can pretty much stay the same from HeroClix to TransformersClix. No sense reinventing the wheel.
That being said, I suggest a one major addition to the game called Energon Cubes, which could easily be represented by 3-d objects throughout the map. Borrowing a page from HorrorClix, the Energon Cubes could be placed in strategic locations around the map for the Transformers to capture/consume. Each Transformer would have this ability:
Consume Energon Cube: Give this Transformer a power action; it can consume an Energon Cube that it is on or adjacent to. Once consumed, place the Energon Cube on the Transformer's character card.
Once consumed, the Energon would provide a powerful effect for the Transformer. The effect can be different for each figure, or it could be tied in to a specific Team Ability / Faction that I mentioned earlier. For example, all Dinobots could be given the Dinobots symbol, which does this:
Dinobots: Modify this Tranformer's damage value by +1 for each Energon Cube it has on its card. As a free action, you may permanently remove one Energon Cube from this card in order to take an Action Token off of this character.
The simple addition of Energon Cubes could drastically alter how the game is played. Do you waste your time going after Energon, or do you ignore them in order to push for the advantage? Maybe you should dedicate a few figures to destroying your opponent's Energon before they can get to them?
This also opens up a lot of design possibilities. Some characters can have a special power that allows them to heal if they consume an Energon. How about a special power that lets you create an Energon Cube whenever you make a critical hit? The possibilities are endless.
Well, there you have it. The TransformersClix could be an excellent addition to the Wizkids "clix" lineup, if done right. I doubt there's enough out there to justify multiple sets with blind-boosters, but I'm confident that it could be big hit with clear packaging. The retailers would love to put this on display, and TranformersClix would appeal to both the core Clix players and Transformers fans in general (not to mention collectors).
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