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Next we have Sailor Uranus’ girlfriend, Sailor Neptune! In the previous article Sailor Uranus had a trait to correspond with this Sailor and so, too does this Sailor gain an advantage in return. Arriving as a strong support for the Sailor Scouts comes Sailor Neptune!
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Utilizing her mystical mirror, Sailor Neptune was able to manipulate her foes as shown by Find Your Weakness and her few clicks of Barrier. She is also notable for shutting down opposing characters’ defenses with Submarine Reflection. Lastly her team power allows her to utilize the Solo Adventure without wasting a power action.
Playing with Sailor Neptune: Sailor Neptune is a support character that needs to stick close to a Close Combat Expert, preferably with Sailor Uranus to get full advantage of both their traits. She should stay behind her and sneak in clean shots when she can while the close combat friendly ties up opponents and crushes them.
Playing against Sailor Neptune: Similar to Sailor Jupiter, Neptune is very squishy and is easily a one shot KO. The problem with attacking her is that she will be protected by a primary or secondary attacker. Thus the best option would be to tie up the defender with your primary and send your secondary to take out Sailor Neptune.
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