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Coming to the battlefield from the World of Dragon Ball Z is Earth’s mightiest hero and champion, Goku!
In Dragon Ball Z, protagonist Goku is an alien that fell to Earth as a baby and was raised with moral values much like another infamous hero. He is a very compassionate guy who has a passion for food and pushing his limits! Amongst Goku is the rest of the Z Fighters whom protect Earth with their similar yet various abilities of almost god-like power! Most, like Goku’s alien race known as Saiyans, can become even stronger by powering up into better forms such as Super Saiyan.
Hiro Clix is an article series that brings you specific characters from anime shows and puts them in HeroClix form. Continued below...

As standard Goku would have it, he begins the game by peaceful means as shown by his low damage and Force Blast slots. Goku doesn’t see his opponents as a threat; they are only merely a challenge in the beginning. As he gets damaged, Goku realizes he needs to step it up a notch thus a higher damage value with Flurry and Kamehameha come into play. Eventually when things get too rough he’ll drop a Spirit Bomb on his foes but only if he fails to go Super Saiyan.
Playing with Goku: Goku presents himself with a few ways to use him, however your main goal is aiming to become super saiyan. In order to do that you’ll need to land attacks onto your opponent which shouldn’t be too difficult with Precision Strike. Also it’ll be easier to have Goku get into position of weaker targets using Instant Transmission. Keep the powerhouses away with Force Blast until Goku gets fired up.
Playing against Goku: The main goal in facing this saiyan powerhouse will be preventing Goku from becoming any more powerful then he can possibly get and the best way to do that is attack him with heavy ranged attacks. The later in his dial he gets, the harder it is to go super saiyan. Even if he succeeded with a miraculous roll on Battlefield Promotion, he’ll still not get too much benefit if he’s on a low click. If he makes it on his Spirit Bomb power you’ll have to quickly KO him with a high attack character before he unleashes his greatest attack.
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